Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Drawing Magazine

Magazine Remake

        The assignment I was given was to remake an actual magazine in order to potentially attract a newer different style of clientele. All aspects of the remake must be actual content from the real magazine. Bellow you will see the copies of the Cover, Content, and Article pages. The above is my version of what I feel the new look should be. Changing the font style of the name was important as it grabs the reader's attention therefore I wanted a font style that was bold enough yet allow for the rest of the name be just as drawing as the initial letter. Adding the drop shadow allows for the name to "jump" out at the reader in a playful manner. I feel as though the font families I used and the more organized flow of the content page as well as the Article page lets the reader find the material with more free flowing line of sight.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Logo Design

     The purpose of this composition is to create a logo for a potential local company. I choose the Columbia Cannons. I was instructed to make the logo using the gestalt method. I felt that an old cannon would work perfectly due to the bulkiness of them. Adding the soccer player doing a bicycle kick at the base where the wheel would be just seemed natural. The goal I had in mind was, that the  over all message you take away from the image is that the members of the team have kicks that are like a cannon propelling the soccer ball to it's destination. Adding the type was a challenge but found that angling the type to follow the direction of the cannon gave the entire logo a more box look while counteracting the curves throughout the image.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Resort Branding Campaign

 Bonne Terre Dive Resort Logo Design

          The campaign you see here is the total creation of a fictional resort that has the potential to be a reality however not as of yet. The purpose of this particular exercise was to create a new look on an existing resort. The most difficult part of the entire project was coming up with the logo itself. I sketched out many different ideas. I actually created and recreated the logo many times over. It came down to simplicity. Placing the diver's silhouette at the base was an easy choice however coming up with how it would interact with the type was a bit of a challenge. What makes the logo it's overall look is the type. I spent many hours going through different fonts and families and then had to find the proper balance of the two words. My professor said that it was a well designed logo that was simplistic with an inviting look.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Photoshop colored illustration

Chinese Dragon

         This particular illustration started out as a drawing of mine. I drew the outline of the dragon using a pencil. After the outline was completed I took the drawing and scanned it in order to be able to manipulate and enhance the piece using the Adobe Photoshop program. Using different filters and effects added to the color in order to create a design which when printed makes you want to feel the illustration because it appears to have texture. Each scale was painted individually as well as the skin that fills the empty spaces between the scales. I left the hair of the dragon as it looks when scanned; which gives the dragon an older look due to the grey look of the pencil marks of the hair. Once again I am using a different program to show how each and every graphic design programs can be used to achieve a colored illustration with digital texture. The department chair of South University's Design Degree program told me it was an extremely nice piece that could I should make sure stays in my portfolio.