Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Collateral Design Poster

Interactive Poster

          In Collateral Design class I was instructed to make an interactive poster for the Alaska Zoo Experience. The background photograph was taken by myself. The bald eagle and the glove were carefully selected from images I retrieved from using Adobe Photoshop then placed into the composition. The black hole next to the glove is designed to be cut out so that the patron of the zoo can place their arm into it and a photograph can be taken making it appear they are actually catching a bald eagle. My professor said the selected image of the eagle was so well done that he can't tell it was place in the image.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Potential Book Series

The Original Story Series

         In my Collateral Design class we were asked to come up with a book series which could be done in three books. Well, as the type and style of books was left up to the imagination of the graphic artist, I opted to create spoofs on original stories for humor purposes. The entire covers are fabricated with details you would see in an actual book with all the type being readable. A large majority of books you find on the shelves of stores are sort of similar in the layout of the type. The difficult part was to place the desired image on the cover that would allow for a seamless look to the cover when laid out flat. I must agree with my professor that "Wilson" is by far the best story-line out of the three. However, he was very impressed with the overall look of the book series.